Executive Level Performance In the Margin ®

Executive Level Performance In the Margin ®

What we are engaged in creating is the context and content for human performance. In order to deliver the results of the Five Pyramids of Human Performance® and Performance in the Margin®, we will spend many hours and days “unraveling” the core design of Human Performance and “viscerally” experiencing the effects of that design. Results are dependent on mastering the basics of where performance comes from and training until the basics are mastered. The program below outlines the way in which we will master the basics and train you to perform and thrive.
Five Pyramids of Human Performance®

Paradigm of Human Performance
Four Stages of Performance
Design of Internal Dialogue Drives Human Performance®
Dialogue at the core of each of the Five Pyramids
Individualized design of the Five Pyramids
Measurable customized and structured for achieving (PERFORMANCE IN THE MARGIN®)

Performance in the Margin®

Section One:

Evolution One - 100% or Nothing.
Evolution Two - Letting Go

Section Two:

Evolution Three - Beyond Failure
Evolution Four -  Mentoring

Section Three:

Evolution Five - Next Horizon Performance
Evolution Section Six - Connection

Thom has a unique and structured methodology of engaging all aspects of performance to achieve your personal and business aspirations. Thom is authentic and gifted in his insight. He consistently delivers exceptional and measurable results.Thom's exceptional method of delivery and unique insight on human performance is a must for anyone with aspirations to be their very best.
-Samuel Rossa, CEO, Peoplease


Thom Shea introduced the concept of Internal Dialogue to me and it has changed my life! It allows you to accomplish ANYTHING you want to. It has changed my life, both professionally and personally, financially and in relationships. The only regret I have is that I did not meet Thom Shea earlier in my life! -Dennis DeLoach, DDS